Question : My son , 10 years old has not been doing well in his studies upto my satisfaction. I feel he has the capacity to excel and put in more hard work , but he does not do so. He is developing to be very defiant and tends to oppose everything I say and has become very rebellious over past few months. He hardly studies but tends to spend more time at play and when we remind him that he needs to study more, he shouts back and closes his room and gets aggressive. He has started picking up quarrels with elders if they correct him. He has also become retaliatory, back answers, disobeys and is very disrespectful in his attitude towards elders. He was not like this a year ago. He was very sweet, obedient and hardworking child and now there are so many complaints coming from relatives and teachers regarding his behavior. I am really concerned about his behavior. Can I just ignore it and be hopeful that it will become better with time. Can it get worse with time if left the same. Kindly guide me- (A concerned parent)
Dear parent,
It seems that your child is in some genuine distress. Empathize with your child. Be supportive. Kindly do not judge your child or become more hostile to your child. Kindly understand your child that he is going through some problem which needs attention from a mental health perspective. It seems that your child is experiencing some emotional and behavioral problems which needs to be evaluated so that your child can be helped better. It could be an indicator of oppositional defiance disorder in the child. His problems with studies also needs to be evaluated whether it is some problem in his level of intelligence or his attention span or learning difficulties or his behavior that is leading to his poor performance in studies. It is not good to ignore it as in many cases there is an established concept of psychological progression where in a simple behavioral problem in a child if left unattended can lead to oppositional defiance disorder which can lead to conduct disorder which can further lead to a personality disorder in adulthood. It can also if ignored complicate into depression, substance abuse, educational drop outs and underachievement. Moreover he maybe having some psychological conflicts at home or with peers or at school which are unexpressed to his caregivers and are manifesting as behavioral problems at home . Kindly consult a psychiatrist who shall clinically evaluate the child and plan certain investigations and psychological tests based on his clinical condition. He will definitely need behavior therapy and you as parents shall certainly benefit from parenting guidance in context of his behavioral problems. He shall benefit from a multidisciplinary approach comprising of psychiatrist, psychologist, educational counselor, etc to holistically cater to his emotional, behavioral and educational needs.